Knights of Badassdom

January 26th, 2014

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Knights of Badassdom

Live-action role players conjure up a demon from Hell by mistake and they must deal with the consequences.

Release Year: 2013

Rating: 8.2/10 (836 voted)

Director: Joe Lynch

Live-action role players conjure up a demon from Hell by mistake and they must deal with the consequences.

Writers: ,

Taglines: 'Tis about to get medieval up in here.


Official Website: Official Facebook | Official site

Release Date:

Filming Locations: Spokane, Washington, USA

Did You Know?

The world premiere was held on September 24th 2013, at the "Icon" festival in Tel-Aviv, Israel. See more »


User Review


Rating: 10/10

I was extremely lucky to attend the world premiere! The screening was held at the "Icon" festival (sort of the Israeli version of comic-con) in Tel-Aviv, Israel. The screening began at midnight on the night of Sep. 24-25 2013.

The movie was introduced by one of the producers. She got on stage, said a few words about the film and then dropped the bomb on all of us - This was the world premiere! The theater ERUPTED! Clapping and hooting for a good 2 minutes before she could keep on talking.

What can I say? It was a theater packed with geeks and everyone went wild! the film is fantastic! The cast is brilliant and I laughed out loud at least 20 times (Even though on this page it doesn't say that the movie is actually a comedy - it totally is!). People were even clapping and cheering at many key moments. The feeling in the room was electric. We don't know which cut we got to see though, but it didn't feel too long - just right, in fact.

Peter Dinklage is wonderful as usual and Summer Glau's performance - she was was fantastic. She is every geek's wet dream of course.. But she really delivered the whole "I'm not really into this but I'm playing along with it" role. She looked amazing in her costume! Her on screen chemistry with the other characters was excellent. She is definitely one of the underrated actresses out there.

The film itself has some great plot twists and even though it had a very low budget - it manages to escape the feel of a B-movie. It even had some pretty good CGI animation.

At the end everyone was clapping and as I walked out of the theater, feeling giddy - EVERYONE was smiling, laughing, reminiscing and all in all I didn't hear a single person saying anything negative about it. The only reason this film gets a 9 is because a 10 is reserved for maybe 5- 10 movies in my life. If you are a geek, were a geek, or simply have a little bit of geekyness in you - don't hesitate when it is released - it's worth every penny! Go with friends who appreciate this kind of stuff. I was never much of a role-playing fan and still felt completely connected to this film. Well done!!

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