Le Week-End

March 16th, 2014

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Le Week-End

A British couple return to Paris many years after their honeymoon there in an attempt to rejuvenate their marriage.

Release Year: 2013

Rating: 6.5/10 (1,085 voted)

Director: Roger Michell

A British couple return to Paris many years after their honeymoon there in an attempt to rejuvenate their marriage.


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Release Date:

Filming Locations: Paris, France

Technical Specs


User Review


Rating: 3/10

How this film has become such catnip to critics is beyond me.

The premise- that an experienced lecturer should be forced to resign over telling a girl to spend more time on her studies than her hair is ludicrous, however politically correct an institution might have become.

The interaction between the two leads is simply not credible. Meg, Nick's wife tells him over lunch that he is "too cautious". One might make such an observation within the first 5 years of a relationship, but after 30 years of marriage?

The bickering, intended to be funny, is neither funny, nor even bickering. To bicker is to good- naturedly argue about stuff which is essentially inconsequential. At various times Meg threatens to leave Nick, and threatens to go off with another man there and then, taunting Nick's insecurity. After exchanging wounding and generalised criticisms of each other, the viewer is expected to believe that within 5 minutes the couple can be kissing passionately.

This film is supposed to be a comedy. It is not funny. Nor does it work as drama, save potentially in the imaginations of a small tranche of pretentious academics, and some film critics, to whom this film may say something to them of their lives.

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